What should your investor presentations accomplish?

We know the importance that your presentations have on your bottom line. For any successful company, its corporate narrative evolves with time. That’s why you must ensure that your investor decks don’t just tell an accurate story, but also leave a lasting positive impression.

There are certainly more than four types of presentations that businesses create, but for the sake of this breakdown, we’ll focus on the following:

  1. Pitch Decks

  2. Investor Decks

  3. Investor / Analyst Days

  4. Quarterly Updates


A pitch deck is an essential presentation for companies who seek investment capital. In many cases, it is a first impression or introductory document. A well-crafted pitch deck aims to generate interest and persuade the audience to take action.

Who is the audience?

  • Potential investors

  • Potential business partners

  • Potential clients

  • Venture capitalists

  • Key stakeholders

What are the goals?

To persuade interested parties to invest in the company by highlighting its unique selling points, addressing market needs, and demonstrating its potential for growth and profitability.

What is the typical length?

10-20 slides

How much content should be on the slides?

The document needs to be able to stand alone, so all essential information needs to appear on the slides. Some companies have two versions of their pitch deck: one that can be emailed (more text on slides), and one that is presented (less text on slides).

Where is it published?

  • Typically shared in a meeting setting or via email

Investor Decks

An investor deck is a type of presentation that growing companies need. Whether you’re public or private, you need to speak to investors in a way that resonates and convinces them that your organization is a wise investment.

Who is the audience?

  • Investors

  • Potential investors

  • Analysts

  • Financial media

What are the goals?

To provide an overview of the company's strategy, financial performance, addressable market and market position, future outlook, and other relevant information.

What is the typical length?

15-30 slides

How much content should be on the slides?

The document needs to be able to stand alone, so all essential information needs to appear on the slides. However, there should be a balance of information, financial data, charts, tables, and visuals so that information is not just displayed as bullet points.

Where is it published?

  • Corporate website (on Investor page/site)

  • Investor portals

  • Presented during conferences or meetings


An Investor Day or Analyst Day deck is a comprehensive presentation unveiled during a milestone corporate event. These public company events only happen annually, so the goal is to offer transparency, build investor confidence, and provide in-depth information that supports strategic investment decisions.

Who is the audience?

  • Investors

  • Institutional investors

  • Potential investors

  • Financial analysts

  • Industry analysts

  • Financial media

What are the goals?

To offer comprehensive insights into the company's long-term strategy, operational performance, long-term goals, and industry trends. As the audience has already viewed the IR deck, you should present fresh information and unveil newsworthy initiatives. The primary goal is to offer transparency, build investor confidence, and provide in-depth information that supports investment decisions.

What is the typical length?

75-150 slides

How much content should be on the slides?

Because Investor Days are keynote presentations — featuring multiple speakers and lasting ~3 hours — the on-screen slides should contain significantly less content than your Investor deck. The verbal script will deliver the main message and the slides should support the speakers. You don’t want audience members staring at one slide for too long trying to decipher the message. They should be listening to the speaker. A video reproduction of the event is published online so those who were unable to attend the live event can get the full experience.

Where is it published?

  • Shared during the live event

  • Reproduced on the corporate website or investor portals


A quarterly earnings deck is a presentation required by public companies. It communicates a company’s financial performance and business activities for the most recent quarter to investors, analysts, and key stakeholders.

Who is the audience?

  • Investors

  • Analysts

  • Shareholders

  • Financial media

  • General public

What are the goals?

To present a snapshot of key financial metrics, performance against targets, and updates on business segments for the latest quarter.

What is the typical length?

10-15 slides + an appendix

How much content should be on the slides?

The document needs to stand alone (often in conjunction with a press release), so all essential information needs to appear on the slides. Data visualization can prove helpful, but the slides can be more straightforward and include fewer images than the investor deck. The charts and graphs will tell most of the story.

Where is it published?

  • Corporate website (on Investor page/site)

  • Filed with the SEC

  • Press releases

Do you have a presentation that needs some love? GRAY GIANT would love to help.


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