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Companies are tapping highly experienced professionals to get a slice (or fraction) of their time and capabilities, without tying up capital in a full-time position or retained agency they don’t need.

The fractional model allows companies to gain the flexibility of outsourcing, without the inefficiency and waste that often plague traditional models. As with any strategic decision, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. 

Whatever the right makeup of your company’s brand and marketing teams, adopting a fractional model could prove a game-changer for driving growth. When you combine the optimum structure for your marketing function with a well-conceived strategic marketing plan and the right supporting technologies, that’s when great things happen.

close up of male employee's hands who is speaking during a meeting

Why IS A Fractional MODEL WISE for Emerging Companies?

While large public relations, branding and communications agencies are right for companies of a certain size and stage, the fees and commitments required to partner with these agencies are exorbitant.

Additionally, most emerging companies do not have the ability to hire internal resources who specialize in marketing. Furthermore, it would not prove a good use of their capital to hire branding and communications staff (compared to other required leadership roles).

For companies like this, hiring a temporary advisory team to oversee strategic initiatives associated with key milestones is much more appropriate.

pink GRAY GIANT har sitting atop a green bush


GRAY GIANT’s leaders have spent decades sharpening their areas of expertise. Together, they have collaborated to help emerging brands define their messaging and brand strategy for over five years. Because they focus on different areas of a brand’s image, they are able to think about a company’s messaging and mission in a holistic and impactful way. They have helped guide companies through the complex challenge of speaking effectively to multiple audiences.


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